Friday, April 29, 2016

America First

The founding principles of the original America First Committee in 1940:

~ The United States must build an impregnable defense for America.
~ No foreign power, nor group of powers, can successfully attack a prepared America.
~ American democracy can be preserved only by keeping out of the European war.
~ "Aid short of war" weakens national defense at home and threatens to involve America in war abroad.

Pat Buchanan picked up the America First theme as a Presidential candidate.  I was present at the DoubleTree Hotel when he made the now iconic statement: ''Our two parties have become nothing but two wings on the same bird of prey.''  

Donald Trump was in that race, as well.  Now Trump has lifted the America First flag and is charging forward to a likely (R) nomination in Cleveland.  Will he prove to be nothing but a spoiler as some people believe?  Will he prove to be nothing more than an opportunist who lifts the America First banner as a meme to win an election, only to pivot once in office?  Will he prove to be a True Believer who manages to harness the discontent of tens-of-millions of Americans who hold the Establishment Elite in contempt so strongly that RevWarIII is a very real possibility?

Time will tell.

But for this moment, those of us who have been America Firsters since our baptism in American politics - we can hope.

Donald Trump is no Pat Buchanan.  But at the moment, he carries the right flag...

Here's the piece.

We'll see you all in Cleveland.

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